For Entrepreneurs, Visionaries & Leaders:

The #1 Peak-Performance Tool

To Get Clarity & Insights From Your Future

On The Next Best Steps To Take In Life & Business

“It’s Like Getting Direct Guidance From Your Wiser, Future Self.”

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Get Instant Access To The Two

Most Popular Vision Amplifier Journeys Below (The Morning & Evening Tracks)

Trusted By The Top Leading Entrepreneurial & Wellness Organizations & Mastermind Groups

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Do You Have A Hard Time
Shutting Off Your Mind?

Have you tried meditation but find it hard to sit still long enough to experience the benefits?

You’re NOT alone. 

Most entrepreneurs have a Ferrari engine of a brain that doesn’t slow down or shut off when they want it to.

Whether you…

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You’re in the right place.

Modern science has proven the mental and physical benefits of meditation are undeniable.

Yet, most high-performing entrepreneurs struggle to sit still long enough to quiet their mind and experience the benefits.

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Vision Amplifier is an essential tool in my business toolbox to help me clarify & expand my vision.

As an entrepreneur, we’re always looking for those tools that will help us uplevel our business and ourselves. Vision Amplifier Breathwork consistently helps me clarify and expand my vision. It consistently helps me create breakthroughs and is an essential tool in my business toolbox.

– JJ Virgin

4X NYT Best-Selling Author, Fitness Hall of Fame,
CEO of Mindshare Collaborative

The Vision Amplifier Experience is a powerful modality for entrepreneurs and leaders.

I love what Alex & Jennifer have created.

–Dave Asprey

Father of Biohacking & Founder of Upgrade Lakes,
Biohacking Conference, and 40 Years of Zen

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The Vision Amplifier Experience Is Created By Entrepreneurs,
For Entrepreneurs To:

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What Top Industry Leaders Are Saying
About The Vision Amplifier Experience…

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Every time I do The Vision Amplifier Experience it blows my mind.

I get clarity and insights I don’t get with regular meditation or breathwork.

–Djamel Bettahar

Co-founder of

I thank God daily for all the incredible results I’ve created in my life and business.

What’s ultimately behind it all is getting out of the limitations of my mind and into a new, higher-level, clear vision. I’ve invested in so many workshops, meditations, and programs, and there’s nothing else out there like The Vision Amplifier Experience.

– Lisa Sasevich

Founder of The Invisible Close

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Vision Amplifier Uses A Unique Combination of Mindfulness Techniques That Are Grounded in Science & Backed By Research To Help You Access A “Vision State” On Demand.

Diaphragmatic Breathwork

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An ancient technique to help the “busy mind” get out of your head and into your body.

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We use diaphragmatic breathwork as a tool to help you move from a sympathetic state (aka: stressed state) to a parasympathetic state (aka: a relaxed vision state).

There is a reason research platforms like NIH (National Library of Medicine), Pub Med, Standard, Harvard, and other credible sources are studying the amazing effects diaphragmatic breathwork has on the body and mind.

Ancient traditions have utilized the power of particular breath patterns over extended periods of time for centuries. It’s also a core technique used by Olympic Athletes, Navy Seals, and those performing at the highest levels.

“Vision Self” Visualization

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Tap into what Thomas Edison called “The Land of the Solution".

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Thomas Edison stated that ideas for some of his greatest inventions came from expanding his state of consciousness and tapping into what he called “the land of the solution”.

For you to access “the land of the solution”, your brain and body need to be balanced, calm, and focused.  You’ll be guided through a unique creative visualization to access a “vision state” so you can remove blocks standing in your way of clarity and tap into greater creativity and inspiration connected to your vision for the future.

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The Vision
Amplifier Experience

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The high-performance mindfulness modality that’s actually fun to do!

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The Vision Amplifier experience is woven together with intentionally architected music that is DJ’d in a particular way for each track to help you access the infinite side of your nature.  The vibey electronic music is used as a tool to help you get out of your head and into your body.

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Discover How You Can
Vision Amplifier

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Bring The Vision Amplifier Experience Into Your Organization or Upcoming Live Event

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Having the Vision Amplifier Experience at my annual event was beyond PHENOMENAL and took my event to another level.

Our attendees had a profound breakthrough in their vision and are still talking about VAE years later.

–Alok Appadurai

CEO & Founder of Uplift Millions

I truly can't say enough great things about Vision Amplifier Experience.

I attend between 8-10 conferences a year, and when I attended Jennifer and Alex’s live Vision Amplifier session, it was by far the most impactful and memorable conference moment I’ve ever experienced.

– Emily Lark

Founder/CEO of Back To Life
& Tiger 21 Member

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Take The Vision Amplifier Journey:
A 30-Day Challenge With Daily Audio Tracks To Help You Unlock Greater Clarity, Focus, And Bring A Specific Vision To Life

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Do you want a fun & engaging way to amplify your vision on a daily basis?

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Have you built momentum from driving things forward but are feeling unfulfilled, dissatisfied, or exhausted by the way in which you’ve been building and creating?

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Do you want to see what’s possible when you connect to a greater vision every day so you accelerate what you want to create in your life?

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I've had some of the most profound moments of my life during Vision Amplifier.

It takes you on a journey to go deep and connect to your purpose. When entrepreneurs take the space for this, it makes scaling a business so much easier.

– John Ratliff

CEO, Investor, Owner of Scaling Up Coaches

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Download Two Free Morning & Evening Vision Amplifier Audio Tracks You Can Listen To Anytime, Anywhere.

This Will Help You…